Axis leader

The “Metabolism and Endocrinology” scientific axis brings together 10 teams whose research aims to better understand the mechanisms involved in physiological homeostasis and their dysregulation in pathological situations. The themes concern energy homeostasis, endocrinology, metabolism, immunology linked to obesity, type 1 and 2 diabetes, inflammation and endocrine tumors. The "Metabolism and Endocrinology" axis brings together solid expertise in fundamental research and medical research thanks to strong interactions with clinicians (in particular, the Diabetology, Endocrinology and Digestive Hepato-Billiary Surgery departments of the Cochin Hospital). The work of the teams involves studies at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels, associated with relevant pre-clinical models, to benefit patients. The roles of different metabolites, iron, receptors and their ligands, signalling pathways, transcription factors as well as that of mitochondrial bioenergetics in responses to nutritional, hormonal and micro-environmental signals are studied. The teams of our scientific axis also have a strong valorization activity, with the filing of numerous patents, industrial partnerships, the management of Start-ups (ALLSPIM) and the creation of biotechs (Human Cell Design). In addition, the teams lead and participate in university networks (Institut Hors Murs du Diabète), national networks (GDR LTinnés, RHU QUID NASH, RHU BETSPY, Labex Who am I, Labex Inflamex, Labex Gr-Ex, Labex REVIVE, Carpem, PTMicrobiote Inserm ) and international networks (H2020-ISLET, IRN-iGPCRnet, IMI 2 -INNODIA).