
Institut Cochin is an academic biomedical research center, under the joint administrative supervision of Inserm, CNRS and Université Paris Cité.

Since January 1st 2022, Institut Cochin is under the direction of Florence Niedergang.   Sophie Vaulont and Yannick Allanore, deputy directors of the institute, and the general secretary, Noémie Marrant, support the director in her missions. The institute has a Scientific Steering Committee and an Institute Council that address challenges relating to the organization and strategy of the institute. Since 2012, the institute has benefited from the external expertise of an international scientific advisory board (SAB), which was renewed in 2016.

The direction

Since January 1st 2022, the institute is managed by Florence Niedergang, Director; Sophie Vaulont and Yannick Allanore, respectively Deputy Scientific Director and Deputy Medical Director; and Noémie Marrant, General Secretary.

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The Scientific Steering Committee

Chaired by Florence Niedergang, the Scientific Steering Committee is the main forum for reflection and debate on the institute's overall scientific strategy. It defines the research areas, the welcoming of new teams, the budgetary policy, and the organization of the institute (development of core facilities, organization of common services, allocation of premises, etc).
The Scientific Steering Committee meets once a month.

The Scientific Steering Committee is made up of the institute's Director, its Deputy Directors, the General Secretary and the heads of the 6 scientific areas.

The Scientific Steering Committee was renewed in 2022 for 5 yearsToday, the heads of the scientific axes are :

  • Julie Helft, head, Djihad Hadjadj, deputy head, of the Cancer axis
  • Molly Ingersoll, head, Yonatan Ganor, deputy head, of the Immunology axis
  • Ralf Jockers, head, Sandra Guilmeau, deputy head, of the Metabolism and Endocrinology axis
  • Sandrine Bourdoulous, head, Catherine Lavazec, deputy head, of the Microbiology axis
  • Julie Chaumeil, head, Romain Fontaine, deputy head, of the Genetic and Cellular Plasticity axis.

The Institute Council

The Institute Council has an advisory role to the Director on scientific strategy, resource management, and internal matters. The Institute Council discusses all concerns related to the working conditions of staff within Institut Cochin. It is responsible for making recommendations to the management to improve working conditions. The Institute Council meets five times a year. Half of the Institute Council members are the members of the Scientific Steering Committee and the other half are the elected representatives of the different categories of the institute’s staff: researchers and teacher-researchers, non-permanent researchers, technicians and engineers, and PhD students.

Photo d'un conseil d'Institut de l'Institut Cochin

The External Scientific Advisory Board

Institut Cochin set up an international external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) in 2012 and renewed it in 2016. The SAB is responsible for providing advice and recommendations on projects, organization, and structure of the institute and its teams. It evaluates new teams responding to external calls organized by the institute. The SAB is made up of 15 international researchers who are leaders in their field:

  • Eric Gilson, Nice, France - Head of the SAB
  • Matias Avila, Pamplona, Spain
  • Paolo Bernardi, Padova, Italy
  • Nathalie Delzenne, Brussels, Belgium
  • Marc Donath, Basel, Switzerland
  • Alain Filloux, London, UK
  • Michael Freissmuth, Vienna, Austria
  • Anne Grapin-Botton, Dresden, Germany
  • Gavin Kelsey, Cambridge, UK
  • Camille Locht, Lille, France
  • Christian Münz, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Suzan Ozanne, Cambridge, UK
  • Bernard Payrastre, Toulouse, France
  • Guido Silvestri, Atlanta, USA
  • Karin Tarte, Rennes, France