4 nanoLC-MSMS systems

160 projects / year

7 expert members

59 publications (2019-2023)

99.5% of satisfied users on the last five years

Scientific committee

  • Dr. Pierre Sohier: Cutaneous Biology team (Sélim Aractingi) and Anatomo-Pathologist doctor at Cochin Hospital
  • Dr. Ismaël Boussaïd: Normal and Pathological Hematopoiesis team (Michaëla Fontenay & Didier Bouscary) and pharmacist biologist at Cochin Hospital
  • Dr. Frédérique Verdier: Team Biology of Plasmodium Transmission (Catherine Lavazec)
  • Dr. Gwladys Bertin: Institute of Research for Development (IRD)


PROTEOM'IC has materials and expertise to respond to a wide range of proteomics requests:

Global comparative quantitative analyzes of proteome / secretomes (relative or absolute quantification, Label Free, SILAC, ITRAQ, TMT)
Identification and comparative quantification of protein partners (AP-MS / CO-IP / Bio-ID)
Global Comparative phosphoproteomic analyzes
Global Comparative analyzes of acetylations, N-glycosylations or other post-transduction changes, on request
Analysis of FFPE sections (fixed biological material and included in paraffin)
Identifications and characterization of proteins (from freezing fragments or in solution)
1D / 2D Western Blots
Functional analyzes (proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, integrative analyzes, training, provision of an analysis post)

See all the services ...

Une salle de la plateforme Proteom'IC


The core facility is equipped with various equipment intended for the preparation of samples for their analysis by mass spectrometry by different analyzers and ionization modes: 2 timsTOF Pro mass spectrometers and 2 Orbitrap type mass spectrometers (Fusion and Qexactive plus). It has a clean room equipped with a horizontal laminar flow hood for sample preparation and high-performance IT resources. It also has direct access to other equipment located on Institut Cochin site: AKTA FPLC and AKTA Micro chromatography systems, Typhoon fluorescence scanner, ultracentrifuges, lyophilizer.

See all equipement ...


The prices indicated concern exclusively the academic research teams of Université Paris Cité, Inserm and CNRS for the left column as well as the academic research teams from other EPST or EPIC for the right column.

Requests relating to private research teams will be the subject of a quote.


Current services


Current services

Université Paris Cité, Inserm or CNRS

Other EPST or EPIC

Identification of protein partners *

120 € / sample

200 € / sample

Label-Free *

450 € / sample

550 € / sample

Label-Free and absolute quantification *

450 € / sample

550 € / sample

Label-Free from FFPE sections *

500 € / sample

600 € / sample

Label-Free from plasma (depletion kit included) *

550 € / sample

650 € / sample

Phosphoproteomics *

300 € / sample

350 € / sample

1D analysis (or of spot 2D)

40 € / sample

75 € / sample

Analysis of a protein purified in solution

80 € / sample

150 € / sample

Synthetic functional Analysis

220 € / project

310 € / project

Training on functional analysis softwares

80 € / hour

120 € / hour

Provision of functional analysis software on the platform

530 € / year

670 € / year

* * Including the preparation and statistical analysis. Price per sample and replicat. NB: minimum n = 4 biological replicates with 1 replicat offered from n = 5 biological replicats.


Services on request (and with quote)

  • Mini 2D gel, mini 2D gel + transfer to membrane or 2D-western blot
  • ITRAQ or TMT
  • Enrichment of modified peptides
  • Micro-flow preparative liquid chromatography


by email:

          u1016-proteomique @ inserm.fr

by phone:

          +33.  : Emilie-Fleur Gautier

          +33. : Cédric Broussard / Marjorie Leduc / Virginie Salnot

          +33. : Johanna Bruce

          +33. : Guilhem Clary

          +33. : Morgane Le Gall

by postal mail:

          Institut Cochin - 22 rue Méchain - Bâtiment Méchain - RDC - 75014 Paris