173 projects in 2023
12 equipments
1 national network
105 associated publications
Core facility members
GENOM’IC offers all types of teams (academic and private) ISO9001 certified genomics services. The core facility ensures the production of data, their statistical analysis and supports the teams until scientific publication.
- Quality Control of Nucleic Acids
- Gene expression analysis by RNA-seq
- Analysis of the regulation of gene expression by ChIP-seq or ATAC-seq
- Bioinformatics analysis proposed by the platform
- Single-cell analysis
- Provision of equipment
See all services ...

RNA-Seq Analysis: discover RADISH!
New in RNA-Seq data analysis!
You can now explore and draw figures of your data analyzed by GENOM'IC using the RADISH tool (a RNA-Seq Dashboard In SHiny).
Do not hesitate to try it and contact us for more information.
Here is the Github address to discover the application and get the installation information:
The application can be used internally on this address: http://sequencage:3200; or from outside on this address: http://localhost/, after installing Docker and running the Radish image.

NGS Project
You can complete the form online to submit your NGS project requests: https://sondage.inserm.fr/index.php/594389/lang-fr
The form includes several questions that we need to offer you a suitable service, please take the time to answer them, the processing of your request will be even more efficient!
And you can of course contact us by email if you have any questions: ngs.u1016@inserm.fr
Samples deposit
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The core facility has the latest generation equipment:
- High-speed sequencers
- Real-time PCR devices
- Digital PCR
- DNA chips
- Sample quality control devices, etc.
Franck Letourneur
27 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, Bâtiment Roussy, 3ème étage, 75014 Paris