An institute linked to the hospital

Institut Cochin is a research center backed by the university hospital group "AP-HP. Centre-Université Paris Cité" (Hospitals Cochin - Port-Royal, Hôtel-Dieu, Broca - La Collégiale).

Image d'un stétoscope sur une blouse de médecin

The location of Institut Cochin within the Cochin-Port Royal hospital campus allows us to benefit from a geographical and intellectual proximity to hospital services and medical teams, favoring collaborations and the development of local, national, and international networks for translational research.

Several research teams at Institut Cochin are directed or co-directed by hospital and university researchers. Yannick Allanore, Deputy Medical Director of the institute, coordinates interactions between the institute and the hospital.

The clinicians at Institut Cochin

Seventy clinicians (PU-PH, MCU-PH and PH) are involved in 21 of the institute's 41 research teams and 11 of them direct or co-direct a research team at the institute. These are the teams:

  • Pathogenesis and innovative therapies in systemic sclerosis and chronic fibro-inflammatory diseases – Prof. Yannick Allanore & Prof. Frédéric Batteux
  • Cutaneous biology – Prof. Selim Aractingi
  • Comparative biology of apicomplexa parasites – Prof. Frédéric Ariey
  • Genomics and signaling of endocrine tumors – Prof. Jérôme Bertherat
  • Pulmonary and systemic immune responses during acute and chronic bacterial infections - Prof. Jean-Daniel Chiche & Prof. Pierre-Régis Burgel
  • Normal and pathological hematopoiesis – Prof. Michaela Fontenay & Prof. Didier Bouscary
  • T cell Tolerance, biomarkers and therapies in type 1 diabetes – Prof. Roberto Mallone
  • Genomics and epigenetics of rare tumors – Prof. Eric Pasmant

    Collaboration between hospital staff and researchers at the institute

    Collaboration between hospital staff and researchers directs fundamental research towards relevant clinical questions and unmet needs. It has enabled the emergence of excellent translational research within the institute, based on patient cohorts of the AP-HP. Centre hospital-university group (GHU). This research contributes to the development of diagnostic tools, biomarkers of prognosis and response to treatment, and identifies therapeutic targets.

    The Institute's support services and those of the hospital (biological resources center, “unité de recherche clinique Paris.Centre” and the “Direction de la Stratégie et de la Recherche”) also participate in the development of translational research and clinical trials.

    These collaborations have led to the creation of university-hospital networks: the PREMA university-hospital federation, the CARPEM integrated cancer research site, and the QUID-NASH university-hospital network, and to the participation of hospital players in the new Université Paris Cité “outside the university walls” institutes (the Diabetes Institute, the Microb'UP Institute, the Immunology and Immunopathology Institute and the Institute of Osteoarticular Diseases).

    Finally, collaboration between the hospital and Institut Cochin is strengthened by the participation of the institute's management in the work and strategic decisions of the GHU's University Hospital Research, Innovation and University Commission, chaired by Prof. Jérôme Bertherat.

    This very strong partnership is a major asset for understanding the physiopathological mechanisms of diseases to improve patient care.

    Clinico-Biological Meetings Institut Cochin-Cochin Hospital

    In order to strengthen the links between the Hospital and Institut Cochin, and enhance the interface between clinical research and basic research, Institut Cochin organizes a series of Meetings which consist of joint seminars of Institut Cochin and Cochin Hospital, dealing with new biomedical issues in various emblematic themes of the site's activities. These Clinico-Biological Meetings take place 3 or 4 times a year.
    The idea is to bring together clinicians, researchers, medical interns, post-docs, students, biotechnology companies, around a subject, to address and discuss common perspectives.

    Steering committee

    Claire Desnos, in charge of scientific mediation at Institut Cochin -
    Yannick Allanore, Deputy Director of Institut Cochin and Deputy Head of the Rheumatology Department at Cochin Hospital

    Next Clinico-Biological Meetings (seminars in French)

    Programme 2025 :

    • Role of autoimmunity in various pathologies - organization: Yannick Allanore, Claire Desnos
    • Advances in sarcoma diagnostics  - organization: Djihad Hadjad, Claire Desnos - 14 May, 2025
    • Developments in Imaging

    Previous meetings

    Focus on the Cochin-Port Royal hospital

    Cochin-Port-Royal hospital is part of the AP-HP Centre-Université Paris Cité GHU, which includes Necker hospital, Georges Pompidou European hospital, Hôtel-Dieu, and the Broca-La Collégiale, Corentin-Celton, and Vaugirard geriatric hospitals. It has 1,100 hospital beds, and accounts for more than 10% of the activity of the AP-HP with 6,000 professionals serving patients. The Cochin-Port-Royal hospital treats a wide range of pathologies in adults, pregnant women, and newborns, such as cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases, infertility problems, or endometriosis.

    The GHU is structured into 16 thematic and multi-site University Hospital Departments (DMU), 8 of which are represented at Institut Cochin: Locomotion (Musculoskeletal System and Functional intensive care), BioPhyGen (Biology-Physiology-Genetics), Hematology-Cancerology and Medical-Surgical Specialties, Endromed (Endocrinology-Internal Medicine), Woman-Mother-Child (Gynecology-Maternity-Obstetrics), IMAGINA (Imaging-Nuclear Medicine-Anatomo-pathology), Thoros (Thoracic pathologies), ARME (Anesthesia-Reanimation).

    Three medical directors of DMU Departments (Prof. Yannick Allanore, Prof. Charles Chapron, Prof. Romain Coriat) and three research teaching directors of DMU Departments (Prof. Guillaume Assié, Prof. Pierre-Régis Burgel, Prof. Michaela Fontenay) are members or directors of research teams at Institut Cochin. The local medical commission (CMEL) is chaired by Prof. Claire Poyart, also team co-director at Institut Cochin.



    Yannick Allanore

    Deputy director of Institut Cochin and deputy head of the rheumatology department of the Cochin hospital

    Contact by email