Clinico-Biological meeting Institut Cochin-Cochin hospital: diagnostic of sarcoma in the era of personalized medicine

Organization: Djihad Hadjadj, Camille Tlemsani et Claire Desnos

14 May 2025


Pratical info

15:00 - 17:30
Conference room Rosalind Franklin
Research professionnals and doctors
Reduced mobility access

In order to strengthen the links between the Cochin Hospital and Institut Cochin, and the interface between clinical research and fundamental research, Institut Cochin is organizing a series of meetings, which are based around joint seminars of the Institute and the hospital, dealing with new biomedical issues in various themes.
The idea is to bring together clinicians, researchers, interns, post-docs, students around a subject to address and discuss common perspectives.

Note that presentations are in French.

Program soon, in French ...

Registration, free but mandatory, will open online soon.


Claire Desnos

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