Cellular plasticity and reproduction

Marquage en immunofluorescence d'un noyau

The “Cellular Plasticity and Reproduction” axis brings together 15 teams interested in the genetic, epigenetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling the development and homeostasis of different tissues, organs and organisms. In close connection with many diseases (developmental and reproductive abnormalities, infertility, cancer, metabolic diseases, inflammation, infection, wound healing, neuromuscular disorders), the major themes relate to the study of the mechanisms regulating i) chromatin structure, ii) genome expression and integrity, iii) cell differentiation, proliferation, regeneration and aging, iv) normal and tumoral stem cells and their environment, v) reproduction, from gametogenesis to birth, vi) host-pathogen interactions and infection, vii) drug resistance/tolerance, and viii) evolution of genomes and populations. Transversal approaches are developed thanks to strong interactions with the different departments of the Cochin hospital and the faculties of Medicine and Health within Université Paris Cité, and the involvement in European networks (H2020, COST actions, EADV, etc.), future investment programs, laboratories of excellence (4 Labex, "GR-Ex", "Parafrap", "REVIVE" and "Who Am I"), and with the “site de recherche intégrée sur le cancer (SIRIC)” “CARPEM”.

The teams