The team "From Gametes To Birth" aims to study disorders of human reproductive function, ranging from infertility to pregnancy pathologies. Among the key diseases underlying our questions are defects in the differentiation of male gametes, defects in sperm-oocyte interaction, defects in implantation or uterine function (especially during endometriosis), hypertensive diseases of pregnancy (preeclampsia) and abnormalities in the duration of pregnancy, such as preterm birth. In addition, we devote part of our research activity to the impact of environmental disturbances on reproductive functions. Finally, we also study the long-term consequences of disruptions in gametogenesis, placentation, whether due to the environment or pathology.
Our team studies the pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms underlying reproductive defects through an integrated approach at the interface between basic and clinical research. Our research involves the study of cell differentiation, regulation of gene expression, development, cell fusion and immunology.
Our methodological approaches involve cellular and molecular biology, optical and electron microscopy, genetics (family or population contexts), reproductive biology techniques, as well as high-throughput "omics" approaches such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and bioinformatic analyses of these data. In recent years, we have in particular implemented RNA sequencing approaches on isolated cells from fetal membranes and placenta. In order to produce the most relevant models, we use genome editing approaches in cells and in mouse models, and we collaborate on organoid development approaches.
