The bioinformatics room will soon include 10 computer stations. An animation team will maintain the room on a daily basis and a steering committee* will be in charge of selecting the projects submitted by the teams. Today, six projects have already been launched.
This room was fully funded thanks to a large bequest from Dominique Labie in 2016. Dominique Labie is one of the researchers who, under the leadership of Georges Schapira, participated, from 1968, in the development of the first Institute of Molecular Pathology in France in Cochin Hospital. Physician, biochemist, hematologist, geneticist, Dominique Labie has devoted himself to haemoglobinopathies, a rich career paved with significant scientific contributions, with nearly 400 scientific publications and numerous distinctions. She was very committed to the dissemination of knowledge, constantly on the lookout for scientific and technological advances, very open-minded, we are proud to be able to honor her memory.

Institut Cochin thanks the APEMM (Association for the prevention and study of molecular diseases), which managed Dominique Labie's legacy, and through it its successive presidents Didier Fradelizi, Agnès Lehuen and Ralf Jockers.
The reflection around the organization of this room, initiated a long time ago by Pierre-Olivier Couraud (Director of the Institute from 2014 to 2021), was implemented under the impetus of Guillaume Assié (team of Jérôme Bertherat) and Franck Letourneur (head of the GENOM'IC platform). Institut Cochin thanks them as well as Université Paris Cité for making the room available, for the post of engineer for Benjamin Saintpierre, and the support of the IPOPUP network marked by the presence at the inauguration of Michel Werner (Institut Jacques Monod) and Valérie Mezger (Epigenetics and Cell Fate Unit). The institute also thanks the technical department, the IT department, and especially Vincent Cagnat (DSI Inserm).
* Steering committee: Benjamin Saintpierre, Franck Letourneur, Morgane Le Gall, Guillaume Assie, Anne Jouinot, Julie Cocquet, Claude Saint Ruf, Iryna Piroskova, Antoine Zalc, Anne Degavre, Benoit Chassaing, Stéphane Emiliani, Eric Pasmant and Vincent Cagnat