Our missions

Institut Cochin is a multi-thematic research center, bringing together 33 research teams and 10 technological platforms. Our missions are to advance knowledge, to disseminate it to the scientific community and the general public, to train through research, to innovate, and to create the sustainable research of tomorrow.

| Advancing knowledge |

The institute's research teams carry out fundamental and translational research in five priority areas: cancer, immunology, endocrinology-metabolism, microbiology, and genetic and cellular plasticity. Our researchers study the biological mechanisms of physiological and pathological pathways, through molecular, cellular and animal studies. The diversity of our research topics fuels exchanges and synergies among the teams, but also collaborations with the hospital teams of the AH-HP Centre. This diversity is our wealth. It contributes to the inventiveness and originality of the projects developed at the institute.

| Providing technological support |

Our research is based on original concepts and state-of-the-art experimental approaches.  It is supported by 11 technological core facilities, most of which have the IBISA ISO9001 label. These technological facilities, which are open to the greater academic and private scientific community, offer state-of-the-art equipment and advanced technological services. They ensure the continuous development of the technologies we will use tomorrow. They bring together all of the institute's players to acquire large, communal equipment and accelerate innovation within our institute.

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| Putting our discoveries at the service of tomorrow's health |

Innovation is at the heart of our missions and drives our numerous collaborations with pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, as well as with patient clinics. We are committed to exploring the applications of our most innovative results for the benefit of patients' health. Thus, we benefit from the support of the Institut Cochin's valorization team, which works in close collaboration with the valorization departments of the institute's supervisory bodies.  These players provide our researchers with all the resources they need to accelerate projects with high transfer potential to industry or the clinics.

| Training through research |

We aim to train and supervise young scientists and clinicians, both French and foreign, through rigorous and relevant research approaches. Learning through research is one of our main missions. Today, we transmit our knowledge and skills to more than 110 doctoral students, 50 post-doctoral fellows, and 50 engineers and technicians under contract. Our commitment to training young scientists continues through the teaching provided by our researchers and engineers at universities and at technical and engineering schools.

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| Disseminating knowledge |

Institut Cochin is committed to sharing the results of its research with the scientific community and the general public. The institute organizes symposia for the scientific community, such as its annual symposium, on scientific topics related to the institute's strategic research areas. In addition, Institut Cochin has been a pioneer establishing actions to disseminate knowledge and interact with the general public. Technological and "trans-science" conferences for all staff are organized to feed our curiosity outside our research fields. Several open-lab activities, such as the national science festival, the hosting of patient associations, or the participation in open-house days of AP-HP hospitals, allow us to make our work and our scientific approach known to the general public, as well as to secondary school students. Institut Cochin has also recently joined the Declics association for the promotion of science in high schools.

| Conducting the sustainable research of tomorrow |

Through its research, Institut Cochin is building the discoveries of tomorrow. Its researchers develop and innovate but also invest in more responsible research. Since 2019, the Institute has launched an ECo2 working group made up of around thirty volunteers, scientists, and administrators, which addresses the issues of ecological transition and sustainable development in our laboratories. Its objectives are to reduce our Institute's carbon footprint and are in line with those of the CNRS's Lab 1.5 action. This group identifies research activities on which we can act to be more ecological, organizes the reduction and recycling of our waste, and raises the awareness of our staff to more responsible research.

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