Institut Cochin organizes many scientific events

For the scientific community:

  • An annual international Symposium which takes over from the annual "Institut Cochin - Jean-Claude Dreyfus" days on various subjects, and more specific symposia on a given scientific theme, such as the one organized each year with the company Miltenyi-Biotec on Immunology topics.
  • Seminars given by internationally renowned researchers
  • Technological conferences, to follow the progress of laboratory practices in connection with new equipments or new concepts
  • "Trans-science" conferences for all staff to feed our curiosity outside our research areas
  • Clinic-biological meetings Institut Cochin-Cochin hospital.

For the general public:

  • Events such as the national science festival, hosting patient associations or participating in open days of APHP hospitals,
  • Actions for schoolchildren, such as "Apprentis chercheurs"
  • Meetings with associations that fight against diseases.

In addition, the JeCCo association contributes to the animation of the institute more specifically for young people (ITA, doctoral students, post-doctoral students).