"Apprentis Chercheurs" action

Since 2005, Institut Cochin has welcomed "Apprentis Chercheurs" as part of the action created by the association l'Arbre des connaissances. High school students are welcomed in pairs in our laboratories to carry out a research project over a school year. Young people thus discover science in the making, appropriate the scientific approach and broaden their horizons. Like researchers, at the end of the year, they present their work orally at the Congress of "Apprentis Chercheurs".

For Institut Cochin, Maryline Favier and Françoise Levavasseur coordinate this action.

Science & society
apprentie chercheuse apprenant à manipuler sous hotte

What is "l'Arbre des connaissances" ?

L’Arbre des connaissances is an association of researchers who are committed to opening research laboratories to the general public, especially young people. The association created the "Apprentis Chercheurs" action in 2004 and set up theoretical training in "scientific mediation" for all supervisors. Coupled with the reception of "Apprentis Chercheurs", this training allows doctoral supervisors to validate modules with their doctoral schools.

"L'arbre des connaissances" has developed other actions in order to reach more young people: Debate plays (Jouer à débattre) to develop critical thinking about current scientific issues, and an online scientific information medium on addictions named maad digital.

The organization of the "Apprentis Chercheurs" action

One Wednesday afternoon per month, high school students, chosen on their own motivation and from partner establishments in the district, discover the scientific approach. They develop a project on an ongoing topic within a research team, carry out experiments and analyze the results.

At the end of the school year, the "Apprentis Chercheurs" present their work in public during a mini-conference organized at Institut Cochin, and receive a research initiation diploma awarded by the director of Institut Cochin.

In turn, the "Apprentis Chercheurs" transmit what they have learned and discovered in our laboratories to their families, their teachers, their classmates, and thus become ambassadors of research.