The role of anti-PD1 antibodies in tumor-draining lymph nodes

Marion Guerin (Dynamiques des réponses immunes, Institut Pasteur, Paris)

13 February 2025

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Pratical info

12:00 - 13:00
Conference room Rosalind Franklin
research professional
Reduced mobility access

Anti-PD-1 therapy targets intratumoral CD8+ T cells to promote clinical responses in cancer patients. Recent evidence has suggested that anti-PD-1 also act in the periphery. In particular, new T cell clonotypes emerge during anti-PD-1 therapy within the tumor microenvironment, suggesting de novo priming in the periphery. However, the underlying mechanism remains incompletely understood. In this presentation, I will show the importance of TDLN during anti-PD-1 therapy and discuss unexpected mechanisms for the peripheral activity of anti-PD-1 antibodies.

Paris Post-docs seminar series.


  • Ruggiu M*, Guérin MV*, Corre B, Bardou M, Alonso R, Russo E, Garcia Z, Feldmann L, Lemaître F, Dusseaux M, Grandjean CL, Bousso P. Anti-PD-1 therapy triggers Tfh cell-dependent IL-4 release to boost CD8 T cell responses in tumor-draining lymph nodes. J Exp Med. 2024 Apr 1;221(4):e20232104. 
  • Vermare, A., Guérin, M.V., Peranzoni, E., & Bercovici, N. (2022). Dynamic CD8+ T Cell Cooperation with Macrophages and Monocytes for Successful Cancer Immunotherapy. Cancers, 14(14), 3546.
  • Guérin, M.V.*, Regnier, F.*, Thoreau, M.*, Vimeux, L., Bernard, M., Dransar, E., Penny, H.L., Johannes, L., Trautmann, A., and Bercovici, N. (2020). Local IFNα enhances the anti-tumoral efficacy of systemic anti-PD1 to prevent tumor relapse. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 8, e000996.
  • Guérin, M.V., Finisguerra, V., Van den Eynde, B.J., Bercovici, N., and Trautmann, A. (2020). Preclinical murine tumor models: a structural and functional perspective. ELife 9, e50740.
  • Guérin, M.V., Regnier, F., Feuillet, V., Vimeux, L., Weiss, J. M., Bismuth, G., Altan-Bonnet, G., Guilbert, T., Thoreau, M., Finisguerra, V., Donnadieu, E., Trautmann, A., & Bercovici, N. (2019). TGFβ blocks IFNα/β release and tumor rejection in spontaneous mammary tumors. Nature communications, 10(1), 4131.
  • Bercovici, N., Guérin, M.V., Trautmann, A., & Donnadieu, E. (2019). The Remarkable Plasticity of Macrophages: A Chance to Fight Cancer. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 1563. 
  • Weiss, J.M.*, Guérin, M.V.*, Regnier, F., Renault, G., Galy-Fauroux, I., Vimeux, L., Feuillet, V., Peranzoni, E., Thoreau, M., Trautmann, A., et al. (2017). The STING agonist DMXAA triggers a cooperation between T lymphocytes and myeloid cells that leads to tumor regression. Oncoimmunology 6, e1346765.