A team from the Institut Cochin participates in Declics

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Science & society

It is with great pleasure that a team from the Institut Cochin went to the Notre Dame de Sion highschool for the Declis 2022 in order to do speedmeetings with the students. Thank you to the students for their questions and their interest and thank you to the organisors. Declics (Dialogues Entre Chercheurs et Lycéens pour les Intéresser à la Construction des Savoirs) is an action organised by the Cercle FSER, which purpose is to defend, explain and valorize fundamental research.

From left to right: Pierre Bourdoncle, Alain Schmitt, Florence Niedergang, Manon Depierre, Suzanne Faure-Dupuy, Violaine Bortolin, Tais Matozo de Souza, Florence Gbahou, Evelyne Fisher, Chiara Pompili, Zeyni Mansuroglu, Floriane Herit