Institut Cochin's core facilities User meeting, march 27th, 2025

Cochin Institute and the Core Facilities Axis organises a user meeting dedicated to users of our facilities on the 27th of March, 8:30 to 16:00. You are welcome in the morning at 22 rue Méchain, Rosalind Franklin meeting room.

Photo de groupe de la retraite de l'axe des plateformes de l'Institut Cochin Photo de groupe de la retraite de l'axe des plateformes de l'Institut Cochin
  • In the morning, every facility will present a review of the past year and what is anticipated for the year to come.
  • Then, discussions with the core facilities' personnel will be possible during the Buffet, set-up in Schapira room.
  • Finally, satellite meetings will take place in various meeting rooms of faculty building in the afternoon, to allow in-depth discussion with every single facility.
    You can have a look the preliminary program and register for this event below :

Inscription en ligne, gratuite mais obligatoire

Assisterez-vous à la matinée, salle Rosalind Franklin ?
Assisterez-vous au buffet et aux échanges, en salle Schapira ?
Souhaitez-vous participer aux sessions d'échanges dédiées aux plateformes suivantes ? (Échanges en petit comité de 14h30 à 16h00)
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