Thursday, November 14th
13:00-13:15 Introduction. Florence Niedergang (director of Institut Cochin, Paris, France)
Session 1 - Inter-cellular and inter-organ communications in physiopathology
Chaired by Catherine Postic, Thierry Launay, Iryna Pirozhkova
13:15-14:00 Keynote: Bente Pedersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) - Exercise as medicine: focus on myokines
14:00-14:30 Jennifer Arrondeau (Department of Medical Oncology Cochin hospital & UPCité, Paris, France) - Effect of physical activity on glucose uptake by cancer tumors: “MUSCULOPET study”
14:30-15:00 Jacob Smith (University of Barcelona, Spain) - Circadian rhythms in muscle-liver crosstalk
15:00-15:30 Benedicte Chazaud (INMG, Lyon, France) - The regenerative niche for skeletal muscle regeneration after exercise-induced muscle injury
Coffee break
Session 2 - From pluripotent stem cells to skeletal muscle adaptation limits
Chaired by Athanassia Sotiropoulos, Glenda Comai, Frédéric Relaix
16:15-17:00 The EMBO Keynote lecture: Olivier Pourquié (Harvard Medical School, USA) - Deconstructing human skeletal muscle development in vitro
17:00-17:30 François Goldwasser (Hôpital Cochin & Institut Cochin, Paris, France) - Host metabolism and antitumour immunotherapy
17:30-18:00 Angèle Merlet (Université Saint Etienne, France) - Exercise therapy: what effect on physical fitness and skeletal muscle tissue? Example of sickle cell disease and perspectives in other pathologies
18:00-18:30 Christophe Handschin (Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland) - The multicellular mechanistic underpinnings of exercise adaptation in skeletal muscle
18:30-18:45 Athanassia Sotiropoulos (GIS FC3R, Maisons-Alfort, France) - How the 3Rs can improve the quality of science and research practices
18:45-19:10 Meeting with Olympic athletes
19:10-20:45 Cocktail/diner - Cloitre Port-Royal
Friday, November, 15th
Session 3 - Muscle activity, neuromuscular diseases and therapy
Chaired by Anne Houdusse, Isabelle Richard, Benoit Viollet
09:00-09:45 Keynote: Helen Blau (Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, US) - Forget the exercise, take a pill
09:45-10:15 Serge Braun (AFM-Téléthon, EVRY, France) - Gene therapy of neuromuscular diseases and potential impact of muscle exercise on therapeutic efficacy
10:15-10:45 Olivier Biondi (Université Evry Paris Saclay, France) - Precision exercise in neuromuscular disorders: disease-specific adaptations on mouse models
10:45-11:15 Patricia Thoreux (CIMS, Hôpital Hôtel Dieu – HUPC, Paris, France) and Pascal Laforet (Paris Saclay University, France) - Neuromuscular diseases and physical activity: what to think about in 2024
11:15-11:45 Florian Britto (Institut Cochin, Paris, France) - Influence of myofibers typology and metabolism on muscle hypertrophy
Lunch - 22 rue Méchain. Institut Cochin Room Rosalind Franklin 2nd floor
Session 4 - Muscle activity, neuromuscular diseases, and aging
Chaired by Delphine Duprez, Pascal Maire, Sabrina Pichon
13:30-14:15 Keynote: Marco Sandri (VIMM, University of Padua, Italy) - Novel insights linking mitochondria, bioenergetics, DNA damage and inflammation with sedentary life
14:15-14:45 Jerome Feige (Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland) - Mitochondrial Calcium Import Regulates Performance and Aging of Skeletal Muscle
14:45-15:15 Laurent Schaeffer (INMG, Lyon, France) - Chromatin, DNA repair and muscle aging
Session 5 - Myofiber diversity, metabolism and physiopathology
Chaired by Capucine Trollet, Helge Amthor, Frédéric Bouillaud
16:00-16:30 Julien Ochala (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark) - Linking myosin to muscle metabolism
16:30-17:00 Kristian Gundersen (Institutt for Biovitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway) - Regulation of muscle fiber size and its memory
17:00-17:30 Jean-François Toussaint (IRMES,URP 7329, INSEP, Paris, France) - Olympism & paralympism: research, limits & development
18:00-19:00 Irène Margaritis (ANSES, France)- Conférence grand public en français. - Nutrition du sportif : un enjeu de performance et de santé
Steering committee
- Pascal Maire, Inserm researcher
- Benoit Viollet, Inserm researcher
- Florian Britto, MCU Université Paris Cité
- Dominique Zeliszewski, CNRS researcher
Registrations are closed.
- Non academics: 160,00 €
- Academic labs other than Institut Cochin: 100,00 €
- Academics Institut Cochin (except students): 50,00 €
- Students in labs other than Institut Cochin: 40,00 €
- Institut Cochin students, organizers: free
Practical Information
- The symposium will take place in the amphitheater Luton, UFR de Médecine site Cochin, 24 rue du Fg St Jacques, 75014 Paris.
- Coffee breaks will take place in the entrance hall of amphi Luton and in an adjoining room.
- The dinner and lunch will take place at 22 rue Méchain, 2nd floor, Rosalind Franklin room.
- Bus 38 - 83 - 91 : stop Observatoire-Port Royal -
- Subway lines 4 - 6 : stop Denfert-Rochereau or Saint-Jacques -
- RER B : stop Denfert-Rochereau or Port-Royal -
- Vélib : Stations n°14112 (24 rue Méchain), 14113 (36 rue de la Santé), 14111 (18 rue Cassini), 14004 (111 bd de Port-Royal) : further information:
- Train:
- Plane: Airports Roissy-Charles de Gaulle, or Orly :
Hotels within 20 minutes from the symposium by public transportation
- Hôtel des mines - 125 Bd St Michel, 75005 Paris -
- Hôtel Pierre Nicole - 39 rue Pierre Nicole, 75005 -
- Hôtel des Ecrivains - 8 rue Coypel, 75013 Paris -
- Hôtel La Manufacture - 8 Rue Philippe de Champagne, 75013 Paris -
See also many hotels near Montparnasse area.