Clinico-Biological Meetings Institut Cochin-Cochin Hospital

In order to strengthen the links between the Hospital and Institut Cochin, and enhance the interface between clinical research and basic research, Institut Cochin organizes a series of Meetings which consist of joint seminars of Institut Cochin and Cochin Hospital, dealing with new biomedical issues in various emblematic themes of the site's activities. These Clinico-Biological Meetings take place 2 or 3 times a year.
The idea is to bring together clinicians, researchers, medical interns, post-docs, students, biotechnology companies, around a subject, to address and discuss common perspectives.


Steering committee

Claire Desnos, in charge of scientific mediation at Institut Cochin -
Yannick Allanore, Deputy Director of Institut Cochin and Deputy Head of the Rheumatology Department at Cochin Hospital

Next Clinico-Biological Meetings (seminars in French)

Previous meetings


Claire Desnos

Contact by email