Exploring novel lymphatics for brain clearance

Gou Young Koh (Center for Vascular Research, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea)

28 October 2024


Pratical info

12:00 - 13:00
Conference room Rosalind Franklin
research professional
Reduced mobility access

Recent evidence indicates that enhancing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) outflow could ameliorate the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease by improving brain clearance. Although the re-visiting of meningeal lymphatic vessels (mLVs) as a new route of CSF drainage has led to an explosive advance in our understanding of the regulation and roles of CSF outflow, the main lymphatics responsible for CSF outflow has been elusive. In this meeting, Gou Young Koh will introduce novel and main lymphatics for CSF outflow in addition to the previously discovered functional meningeal lymphatic vessels that are distributed in the skull base. Moreover, he will provide the evidence for facilitating CSF outflow through the cervical lymphatics as an extracranial approach. 

Gou Young Koh is invited by Sandrine Bourdoulous.

Gou Young Koh is a distinguished professor at KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, and the director of the Center for Vascular Research, Institute for Basic Science in South Korea. He is also an external member of Max-Plank Institute.  

For the last 25 years, he has focused on the discovery and understanding of the growth factors regulating micro-vasculatures including tumor vasculature. During this time, his research team has made numerous major advances and breakthroughs in the field of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Notably, he and his research team discovered and generated several novel and potent modulators of angiogenesis – three angiopoietin-like proteins, COMP-Ang1, DAAP and ABTAA – based on their keen observations and creative ideas. Moreover, he and his team have made ground-breaking discoveries in the understanding of the unique features and regulations of tumor vessels as well as on the characterization of key factors involved in organotypic angiogenesis and vascular maintenance. Lately, they have performed landmark studies in uncovering critical regulators for maintaining the integrity of specialized lymphatic vessels such as meningeal lymphatic vessels. By recognition of his outstanding and excellent achievements and contributions to biomedical communities, he became laureates of the Kyung-Am Prize (2011), Asan Award in Medicine (2012), and Ho-Am Prize in Medicine (2018) and was recently nominated as member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).



  • A systems view of the vascular endothelium in health and disease. Hellmut G. Augustin and Gou Young Koh. 📜 Cell (2024)
  • Nasopharyngeal lymphatic plexus is a hub for cerebrospinal fluid drainage. Jin-Hui Yoon, Hokyung Jin, Hae Jin Kim, Seon Pyo Hong, Myung Jin Yang, Ji Hoon Ahn, Young-Chan Kim, Jincheol Seo, Yongjeon Lee, Donald M. McDonald, Michael J. Davis & Gou Young Koh  📜 Nature (2024)
  • Meningeal lymphatics can influence stroke outcome. Gou Young Koh and Donald M. McDonald. 📜 Journal of Experimental Medicine (2024)
  • Fibroblasts enable penile erection. Perivascular fibroblasts may underlie erectile dysfunction. Ki-Kan Ryu and Gou Young Koh.  📜 Science (2024)
  •  Immaturity of immune cells around the dural venous sinuses contributes to viral meningoencephalitis in neonates. Young-Chan Kim, Ji Hoon Ahn, Hokyung Jin, Myung Jin Yang, Seon Pyo Hong, Jin-Hui Yoon, Sang-Hoon Kim, Tirhas Niguse Gebre, Hyuek Jong Lee, You-Me Kim, Gou Young Koh. 📜 Science Immunology (2023)
  • Endothelial cell-derived stem cell factor promotes lipid accumulation through c-Kit-mediated increase of lipogenic enzymes in brown adipocytes. Hyuek Jong Lee, Jueun Lee, Myung Jin Yang, Young-Chan Kim, Seon Pyo Hong, Jung Mo Kim, Geum-Sook Hwang, Gou Young Koh. 📜 Nature Communications (2023)
  • Three-dimensional morphologic and molecular atlases of nasal vasculature. Seon Pyo Hong, Myung Jin Yang, Jung Hyun Bae, Du Ri Choi, Young-Chan Kim, Myeon-Sik Yang, Byungkwan Oh, Kyung Won Kang, Sang-Myeong Lee, Bumseok Kim, Yong-Dae Kim, Ji Hoon Ahn, Gou Young Koh. 📜 Nature Cardiovascular Research (2023)
  • Hyperactivation of YAP/TAZ drives alterations in mesangial cells through stabilization of N-MYC in diabetic nephropathy. Seunghyeok Choi, Seon Pyo Hong,  Jung Hyun Bae, Sang Heon Suh, Hosung Bae, Kyung Pyo Kang*, Hyuek Jong Lee, Gou Young Koh. 📜 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (2023)
  • Gatekeeping role of Nf2/Merlin in vascular tip EC induction through suppression of VEGFR2 internalization. Jung Hyun Bae, Myung Jin Yang, Seung-hwan Jeong, JungMo Kim, Seon Pyo Hong,  Jin Woo Kim, Yoo Hyung Kim, Gou Young Koh. 📜 Science Advances (2022)
  • Refractoriness of STING therapy is relieved by AKT inhibitor through effective vascular disruption in tumour. Seung-hwan Jeong, Myung Jin Yang, Seunghyeok Choi, JungMo Kim & Gou Young Koh. 📜 Nature Communications (2021)
  • Nasal ciliated cells are primary targets for SARS-CoV-2 replication in early stage of COVID-19. Ji Hoon Ahn, JungMo Kim, Seon Pyo Hong, Sung Yong Choi, Myung Jin Yang, Young Seok Ju, Young Tae Kim, Ho Min Kim, MD Tazikur Rahman, Man Ki Chung, Sang Duk Hong, Hosung Bae, Chang-Seop Lee & Gou Young Koh. 📜 Journal of  Clinical Investigations (2021)