A l’issue de la cérémonie de remise du Prix, une table ronde a été organisée sur le thème « View from the top » relatif aux enjeux scientifiques et politiques du soutien à la recherche la plus innovante dans le domaine de la biologie-santé et au transfert de ses résultats au bénéfice de la société, en France et dans le monde :
Attracting, retaining and supporting talent is crucial for fostering innovation, ensuring continuity, and maintaining a competitive edge in French research to transfer benefits to society. However, these activities come with significant challenges worldwide. A recent international survey of over 100 academic leaders and funders revealed a stark contrast: while they prioritize attracting and retaining talent, and demonstrating societal impact, they often feel unprepared to tackle the associated challenges effectively. Several initiatives have been launched recently in France, including the "Junior Professor Chairs" and the "Impact Santé" programme. The panel discussion aimed at understanding the needs and motivations of talented researchers, and the perspectives from senior institutional leaders on retaining talent and generating impact.
Un cocktail a conclu la réunion dans la Galerie Saint-Germain de l’Université.
Sur la photo : Claudio Colaiacomo (Vice President Global Academic Relations, Elsevier), Éric Pasmant et Pierre-Olivier Couraud (Pôle Valorisation et le Transfert de Technologie de l’Institut Cochin).