Role of Arginine Metabolism in Erythropoiesis

Sandrina Kinet (Institut Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier IGMM)

02 février 2023


Infos pratiques

12h00 - 13h00
Salle Rosalind Franklin
Professionnel de recherche
Accès mobilité réduite

Sandrina KINET is an expert in erythropoiesis who focuses her interest on metabolic changes occurring along erythroid differentiation in physiological and leukemic conditions.  Her team has reported that hematopoietic stem cell commitment to the erythroid lineage depends on glutamine metabolism and that vitamin C homeostasis is critical for erythropoiesis in the context of IDH1 gene invalidation in myeloid malignancies.
In the work she will be presenting, she identified post-translational modification of translation initiation factor eIF5A as a consequence of arginine catabolism in erythroid cells, and deregulation of this pathway in hematological disorders with ineffective erythropoiesis.

She is invited by Michaela Fontenay.

Oburoglu L, Tardito S, Fritz V, de Barros SC, Merida P, Craveiro M, Mamede J, Cretenet G, Mongellaz C, An X, Klysz D, Touhami J, Boyer-Clavel M, Battini JL, Dardalhon V, Zimmermann VS, Mohandas N, Gottlieb E, Sitbon M, Kinet S, Taylor N. Glucose and glutamine metabolism regulate human hematopoietic stem cell lineage specification. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 Aug 7;15(2):169-84. 

Gonzalez-Menendez P, Romano M, Yan H, Deshmukh R, Papoin J, Oburoglu L, Daumur M, Dumé AS, Phadke I, Mongellaz C, Qu X, Bories PN, Fontenay M, An X, Dardalhon V, Sitbon M, Zimmermann VS, Gallagher PG, Tardito S, Blanc L, Mohandas N, Taylor N, Kinet S. An IDH1-vitamin C crosstalk drives human erythroid development by inhibiting pro-oxidant mitochondrial metabolism. Cell Rep. 2021 Feb 2;34(5):108723.